Learn to Sail in Mumbai
Learn to Sail in Mumbai

Learn to sail in Mumbai with our Learn to Sail Course designed specifically designed for grown-ups and working professionals in Mumbai. Sailing is a sport for all ages. Whether you are 6 or 60 years old, you can learn and enjoy the sport within a matter of days! The course consists of 10 sessions of 2 hours each, which include theory and practical sailing on water. You will learn all the aspects of sailing (helming and crewing) during the course, and by the end of 10 sessions you will be confident of sailing a boat on your own.

The boat
You will be taught sailing on a club owned boat.

All our coaches are certified by the Yachting Association of India and have won several national and international sailing competitions.

Course details: Learn to Sail (Advanced)
Age: 10 to 70 years
Duration: 10 sessions of 2 hours each
Venue: Gateway of India, Mumbai

Certificate on completion of the course from Mumbai Sailing Club.
You can also get a nationally and internationally recognised certification by Yachting Association of India by paying a certification fee to YAI.

Course details: Learn to Sail (Basic)
Age: 10 to 70 years
Duration: 5 sessions of 2 hours each
Venue: Gateway of India, Mumbai

Certificate on completion of the course from Mumbai Sailing Club.

Call us to to get the best price for our courses.